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About the Founder 

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Leanne Yoon, founder of the Student Press Central, is the editor-in-chief of the Jets Flyover, the student news site of Daegu International School in South Korea. Her mission to make scholastic journalism accessible to all began with her experience at the CSPA Editorial Leadership Course in 2023. Mostly self-taught since then, she has made changes to the DIS Journalism Program such as creating the staff manual, implementing an editor training system, and creating a staff selection system. In the year and a half she has been in high-ranking leadership, Yoon has led the Jets Flyover to rank 4th out of over 3,000 student publications worldwide in the School News Online (SNO) Distinguished Sites Program

Yoon hopes that budding student journalists who are looking to start up their own publications can turn to the High School Press Central for guidance. 

About High School Press Central


Make student journalism accessible to all. 


At High School Press Central, we believe in the power of storytelling. Our platform connects high school journalists from across the globe and creates a space to share ideas, resources, and practices. Our goal is to empower the student journalism community. 

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